In the Presences of Evil di Timothy Brooks edito da iUniverse

In the Presences of Evil







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Descrizione In the Presences of Evil

A string of horrific murders has Jacksonville, Florida, on edge. One of the would-be victims, a young, Christian girl, escapes her captors. She lives to lead the police to a cult hideout, where they arrest and charge suspect William Lee Smith with murder. But Smith is only one member of this horrific cult, reigning terror on Christians. As a child, Smith witnessed his father-a Catholic priest-murdering women he slept with to hide his indiscretions from the church. Scarred forever, Smith swears revenge on the Christian faith, as he believes its followers to be evil and deserving of vengeance. As an adult, Smith adopts nine children and raises them to hate Christians. So begins his plan to wage war on those who remind him of his murderous father. Police Chief Mike Walker has Smith in custody, but now he must hunt down the bloodthirsty members of Smith's cult. With the help of a rookie FBI agent, Walker strives to put an end to the bloodshed in his hometown. He soon realizes, however, that this cult will stop at nothing to carry out their agenda-even threaten Walker and the life of his family.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 32.52

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