Preparing a pre-requisite test in algebra. Construction and tryout di Hemendra Mistry, R. G. Kothari edito da GRIN Verlag
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Preparing a pre-requisite test in algebra. Construction and tryout


GRIN Verlag





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Descrizione Preparing a pre-requisite test in algebra. Construction and tryout

Document from the year 2012 in the subject Education - Educational Tests & Measurements, , language: English, abstract: Mathematics is an important discipline of learning at the secondary stage. It predominantly contributes to the development of precision, rational and analytical thinking, reasoning and scientific temper. One of the basic aims of teaching Mathematics at secondary stage is to inculcate the skill of quantification of experience gathered by the learner. But still some of the students find Mathematics as very difficult subject. Among different branches of Mathematics, Algebra is used to enable the learner to apply its knowledge to other branches of Mathematics. The pre-requisite test can help the students to know their weaknesses in the basic concepts and it also helps the teachers to know the level of their students. The authors had constructed a pre-requisite test covering all units of Algebra of standard X and implemented on the randomly selected standard X students of the twelve non-granted Gujarati medium schools of Vadodara, Gujarat, India. Based on the findings of the study, the authors discussed and suggested some ways for the teachers teaching Mathematics at secondary school level.

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