Predict Your Success di Ola-Yimika edito da AUSTIN MACAULEY
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Predict Your Success

Simple Strategies





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Descrizione Predict Your Success

Do you believe that success is not pure luck or good fortune, but a skill that can be learned? Would you like to connect to your inner self, unleash your creativity, and add value to the world? In Predict Your Success, you will learn how to break free from limitations, reach your full potential, and fulfil your dreams. Predict Your Success is a how-to guide, with simple and easy-to-read, applicable principles that can help you generate success. It is garnished with beautifully told exciting stories and draws on a wide variety of approaches and techniques from medical science, motivational philosophies, traditional wisdom, and entrepreneurial habits. This book will help you: DISCOVER YOUR IDENTITY - One that is separate from external expectations and authentic to your values. UNDERSTAND YOUR POTENTIAL - Unearth your inner diamond and use them to fuel your purpose and calling. TRAIN YOUR MIND TO WORK IN YOUR FAVOUR - Learn how to collaborate with your natural supercomputer. ANTICIPATE AND ADAPT TO CHANGE QUICKLY - Unlearn habits that no longer serve you and learn how to incorporate change into your perennial success plan. LEARN FROM YOUR FAILURES AND SUCCESSES - How to use previous experience to boost courage and attain tremendous success. AND MUCH MORE.

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