Praying With Puko di Randi Kay White edito da
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Praying With Puko

A 12-Month Prayer Journal






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Descrizione Praying With Puko

PAPERback Version: God created a fire in me to feed the need for a Purpose in my life. Praying With Puko-is a monthly prayer journal for those new to Christ or life-long Christians. I encourage you follow along and journal for yourself, andalso for parents, children, families to journal together to build a stronger family relationship with God and focus prayers for your family each month. I felt I lacked purpose in my life and that this also was true in my prayer life. It wasn't until I began praying with intent that I found fulfilment in the meaning of God's Word. Instead of just letting the Bible fall to a passage, I found a study structure by choosing passages from books, devotionals, online bible studies and journaling the scriptures and prayers. A prayer journal helped me understand my own prayers as well as God's plans for me. I committed to not just being a believer, but truly growing my relationship with God. I am not a theologian or a teacher, so these are passages chosen directly from my journaling. This is simply my example of my prayer life that helped me in my Christian Walk. I pray each of you use this as a step in building your relationship with God. (Ephesians 1:17-19)

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