Praying Mantises di Sandra Markle edito da Lerner Classroom

Praying Mantises





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Descrizione Praying Mantises

Look quickly and you might just see one of natures insect heroes on the huntpraying mantises! With their incredible hunting skills, mantises help rid farms and gardens of insect pests that bother humans. Praying mantises have big eyes that face forward, heads that can turn, and spines on their front legs to spear their prey. And they are stealthy. Even tiny newly hatched mantises know how to remain still and hide until a prey insect appears. Thenlike lightning the mantis strikes! In this exciting book, you can learn what makes a praying mantis similar to and different from other insects. Close-up photographs and diagrams reveal extraordinary details about mantis bodies, both inside and out. And you can perform an activity that helps you understand just how quickly praying mantises can react while hunting. Are you faster than a mantis? Learn more about this heroic member of natures fascinating Insect World!

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