Prairies of Possibilities di Duane L. Herrmann edito da iUniverse
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Prairies of Possibilities

New And Selected Poems







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Descrizione Prairies of Possibilities

Prairies of Possibilities is a mid-career survey of the poetic output of a highly versatile writer whose work has been published in more than a dozen countries in four languages. In addition to poetry he has written histories, children's stories and memoirs. He has received local, national, and international awards and recognition for his work, the Robert Hayden Poetry Fellowship among them. Praise for his poetry has come from, among others, William Stafford, one of America's premier poets of the twentieth century, and fellow Kansan. "I prize your book (Whispers Shouting Glory); it reaches out for the elements of our lives and does so in a context I know and cherish myself."--"Bill" Herrmann's poetry gives an inside view of one who has overcome serious obstacles that have defeated many others. These include the social isolation of a rural farm, the challenges of dyslexia and ADD, and a traumatic childhood. Despite all this, his love for God's world of nature and the Divine shines through these poems in all their glorious beauty. He interweaves the natural world with profound mystical visions. This is his ninth published collection of poems.

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