The Practice of Teacher Training Via Distance Learning in Ethiopia: di Getachew Adugna edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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The Practice of Teacher Training Via Distance Learning in Ethiopia:

The Case of Addis Ababa University and Eduction Media Agency





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Descrizione The Practice of Teacher Training Via Distance Learning in Ethiopia:

Distance Education has a long history in Ethiopia that goes back to 1940s to upgrade academic status of elementary school teachers through on the job training that was started under the program called Directed Study for Teachers. Though 'self learning instructional materials' were prepared, the materials were not self-sufficient as they should be but went in line with textbooks for regular program. The mode went on since then with a number of ups and downs. The mode got high momentum with the introduction of new education and training policy in 1994 to alleviate chronic shortage of teachers teaching at primary and secondary schools in the country. The responsibility for the training was given to Addis Ababa University (partially distance) and Education Media Agency (fully distance mode) to upgrade teachers qualification from diploma to degree and certificate to diploma respectively. However, provision of the training was challenged by lack of what the mode demands such as appropriate planning, financial support, trained man power,structural set up and management, support service, infrastructure, etc that has been highly influenced by literature and donor driven agenda without...

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