Practically Proverbs di Michael R Smith edito da iUniverse
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Practically Proverbs

A Daily Devotional for Parents and their Children (in wisdom) by Abide Ministries







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Descrizione Practically Proverbs

Parents are always looking for quality, consistent devotions for their family. What could be better than the Book of Proverbs, written by Solomon, to whom God gave great wisdom? You too, can have great wisdom by applying the truth of the Book of Proverbs to your daily life. The themes found in Proverbs are so very practical for us today. Hence, "Practically Proverbs." The key to success, health, and prosperity, is to have Godly wisdom. The Word of God, which is eternal, is guaranteed to bring everlasting blessings to you and your family. We, as Christians, are all being changed from glory to glory, and into the image of the dear Son, Jesus Christ. Using Proverbs as a devotional can change your life forever, and cause you to have a victorious life in all areas. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Now, as your faith grows, begin to draw forth God's exceedingly precious promises for yourself, and your family.

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