A Practical Guide to Healing by Remembering Your Past and Future Lives di Matt Gomes edito da iUniverse
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A Practical Guide to Healing by Remembering Your Past and Future Lives

Even If You Don't Believe







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Descrizione A Practical Guide to Healing by Remembering Your Past and Future Lives

Based on the idea that past and future life memories may be creations of the imagination and yet still be useful in healing, A Practical Guide to Healing by Remembering Your Past and Future Lives discuses a number of popular theories of memory creation and gives you practical tools to help you remember your other lives-past and future-to make the most of your life today. Author Matt Gomes has researched the information to help you understand the theories of memory creation, storage, and retrieval; discover how the past affects the present and the present influences the future; and identify how your current physical and emotional issues are rooted in your past lives. Even if you have doubt in the actual existence of reincarnation or of other lifetimes, A Practical Guide to Healing by Remembering Your Past and Future Lives can help you let go of fears and phobias, deal with death, understand, and forgive others. You can heal your present!

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