The Practical Guide To Figuring Yourself Out di Patricia J Honiotes MS edito da Healing Energies, Inc.
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The Practical Guide To Figuring Yourself Out

How To Go From Stuck To Star Of Your Life





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Descrizione The Practical Guide To Figuring Yourself Out

"I've Played Life by the Rules. So, Why Do I Feel Stuck?" Life. Education. Work. Relationships. Yes, you've done them all. In fact, you're probably an expert in what it means to be normal. You've had a good education. You have professional experience. Others in your workplace would say you are competent and capable. Perhaps you even run your own business. You're making a good living. You're paying your bills. You're good at what you do. You've got friends and family. You take the occasional holiday. You've reaped pretty much all the material trappings you were told would come to you if you just played life by "the rules". So...why aren't you HAPPY? The truth is, life is good...but not great. Things are stable, but not exciting. Your work is ok, but you don't feel stretched or challenged. You're making adequate money, but you're not really advancing in your career. You feel reasonably healthy, but not truly vibrant. Your relationships are fine, but there's a level of intimacy missing in them that you've never really known. You've spent years treading water on the surface of this vast, deep ocean called LIFE. Now, you're dying to dive beneath the surface to see what lies below -but you don't know how or where to start. The Practical Guide to Figuring Yourself Out is a book for people who feel like they've been 'doing' life instead of living it. In this book, author Pat Honiotes MS has amalgamated over three decades of professional experience in medical hypnoanalysis and personal empowerment coaching to bring you a one-of-a-kind, step-by-step handbook of techniques and practices that can help you: ¿ Diagnose the symptoms of where and how you're stuck ¿ Unravel your personal history that led you to this point ¿ Identify what's been holding you back and why it's so persistent ¿ Learn what you need to change in order to move forward ¿ Know and love the real "you" that has been waiting to be acknowledged ¿ Create an action plan for change,

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