Practical Christianity di Ira Milligan edito da Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
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Practical Christianity

Rediscovering the New Testament Church





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Descrizione Practical Christianity

Practical Christianity: Rediscovering the New Testament Church is a field manual for effective spiritual warfare. God's mighty army is disorganized and uncertain of how to fight against the subtle and deceptive hit-and-run tactics the enemy is using. This book's twofold purpose is to provide a biblical training manual to raise up an effective fighting force for war along with detailed instructions for making a new wineskin to serve the new wine that God has for this generation. Our old wineskin cannot contain or sustain the billion soul, end-time harvest that God has planned. To fight and win a billion souls to Christ and then lose them from the lack of a trained workforce to nurture and disciple them would be a catastrophic loss! The time to prepare is now.

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