Practical Approach to the Management and Treatment of Venous Disorders edito da Springer London
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Practical Approach to the Management and Treatment of Venous Disorders





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Descrizione Practical Approach to the Management and Treatment of Venous Disorders

This text evolved as a response to numerous requests to present a simplified approach to the diagnosis and management of most of the common aspects of both cosmetic and medical venous disorders. The authors, representing experienced plebologists from several different primary disciplines, have attempted to present simplistic paradigm-oriented approaches on how to thoughtfully evaluate and manage common vein issues with contemporary solutions. Several areas of phlebology were not addressed in this text. The management of vascular malformations are beyond the scope of this text and were not covered in detail. Although indications for the appropriate use of IVC filters are discussed, the details about the specific devices, their placement and removal are also beyond the scope of this text. Deep venous obstruction from prior thrombosis, venous compression by arteries such as the compression of the left common iliac vein by the right common iliac artery and pelvic venous insufficiency can now be managed with minimally invasive image guided treatments; the technical aspects of such treatments are complex and not discussed in detail in this handbook. This book will increase the therapeutic skill of the practicing phlebologist and thus increase the quality of care for patients faced with problems related to venous disorders.

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