The Power Within You di Setjhaba Msibi edito da Trafford Publishing
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The Power Within You





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Descrizione The Power Within You

Sometimes, we spend time and focus on the problems instead of searching for The Power Within Us. You don't need a high IQ, University or College degree to discover the spirit of love that lives inside of you. There is great power that enables you to face your problems, poverty, lack of money and loneliness. This empowering and motivating book contains life principles that Setjhaba has learnt and it will make you realize how you are loved by the Universe. After reading this book you will learn that all things we need or want starts within before they manifest to the outside. We are born to be successful and everyone has the power to attract good life and prosperity. The book talks about, A young boy born in poverty but believed in success until its manifestation Love is an invible force of attraction called "GOD" How to experience abundance How to focus in your dream and believe in it Elevating your thinking Determining your destiny Discovering peace within you

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