The Power Move di David E. Ziton edito da iUniverse
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The Power Move

Accelerate Your Professional Advancement Through the Power of Knowledge







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Descrizione The Power Move

The Power Move: Accelerate Your Professional Advancement through the Power of Knowledge provides the opportunity to step back and view the realities regarding your work environment and how to function and advance within this competitive and dynamic environment. For most of us, an enormous amount of time is spent working, thinking about work, and talking about work. The path we follow to enter the labor force varies yet this destination is shared by all. Our colorful journeys vary due to diverse upbringings and cultures; however, we all are faced with the need to survive and provide. Th e motivation to write The Power Move is focused on assisting each reader to successfully achieve the following: Clarity of their employment status; Ability to identify and capture a new job and/ or career advancement opportunity to reach the next level; and, Follow a dynamic yet simple methodology to building a knowledge base and action plan to achieve a Power Move. Do we have the opportunity to overcome and live active, enriching lives outside of the pressures of work? How does an employee excel and make a positive contribution while maintaining honest and sincere business principles? How does an employee overcome the pressures that influence hem to compromise their principles, which are based upon fundamental beliefs of ethical and humane business practices? The Power Move takes a realistic approach to such questions and provides solutions to stand out within the work environment while maintaining a personal identity founded on integrity, ethics, and professionalism.

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