Of Power & Desire di Cassie Cooper edito da Lulu.com
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Of Power & Desire







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Widows have always been categorized as women who have become vulnerable and volatile, as they lacked the solid presence of a male to guarantee their social, economic and psychological survival. Widows, in Biblical times, were alienated in society. Their reality was aggravated by the fragile nature of their existence, since by law they had no legal rights to the inheritance of their late husband's property. Remarkable then that Ruth and Naomi connived to obtain their freedom from constricting legal and religious practices. In adapting their story from the biblical narrative, Naomi became the principal character, mentor and role model for Ruth. Armies of testosterone fuelled militia roam the world today as they did long ago. Mass rapes, slavery, enforced prostitution, genital mutilation, violence and sexual abuse of women and children are all to common occurrences. My admiration for Naomi was my inspiration. I feel I know her only too well. This is her story, told as I feel only she would wish to tell it.

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