Pouring oil on the fire: Norwegian petroleum-related assistance di Johanne Andrea Hægh Asakskogen edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Pouring oil on the fire: Norwegian petroleum-related assistance

Analysing Norwegian petroleum-related assistance through three International Relations theories





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Descrizione Pouring oil on the fire: Norwegian petroleum-related assistance

This book explores the petroleum-related assistance by Norway. Based on Norway¿s own experience, aid is given to resource-rich, economically poor countries. The thesis will contribute to see Norway¿s bilateral cooperation, with Angola in particular, in a different light. Norway is often, especially by Norwegians themselves, glorified and has a high ethical reputation. Through three International Relations theories ¿soft power, centerperiphery and nationalism ¿the research question is tested. Through readings and interviews, I have found reason to believe my perception of Norwegian petroleum aid is well-grounded. Based on findings from interviews, both from private and public sector, it can be argued that the results from public petroleum aid are of insignificant size compared to the effort, and that the concept in general is naïve. Possible other purposes for petroleum-related assistance are presented in the conclusion.

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