A Pot of Coffee and a Resentment di Dana N Sharp edito da iUniverse
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A Pot of Coffee and a Resentment

The Committee In My Head Is Now In Session







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Descrizione A Pot of Coffee and a Resentment

A Pot of Coffee and Resentment: The Committee in My Head Is Now in Session details Sharp's journey to surrender and become willing to live life on life's terms. As a result of listening to the committee in her head, Sharp's expectations upon entering the adult world are laced with low self-esteem, lack of confidence, confusion, and frustration. She is convinced that everyone but her must have received a manual on how to fit in, how to behave in social situations, and how to relate to people. As life's problems compound, she realizes she has no coping skills and falls into alcoholism's black hole of despair for two decades. A Pot of Coffee and Resentment tells how Sharp rid herself of the loneliness and emptiness buried deep inside her soul. It is a story of hope, faith, and courage, and her acceptance that there are no accidents in God's world. Her story poignantly illustrates that everything happens exactly the way it's supposed to. This moment-right now-is all you have. Don't waste it by wallowing, whining, and blaming. Let Sharp's story show you why today is a gift for which you should be thankful, and how to live it on God's terms!

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