Positive Academic Leadership di Jeffrey L. Buller edito da John Wiley & Sons Inc
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Positive Academic Leadership

How to Stop Putting Out Fires and Start Making a Difference





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Descrizione Positive Academic Leadership

The alternative to negative academic leadership is a style that is essentially positive, taking its cues from the movement known as positive psychology. Rather than devoting all of one's attention to solving problems, it emphasizes strengthening what's working well. The difference between negative and positive leadership may be best understood by contrasting why one goes to a doctor and why one goes to a personal trainer. The former tries to heal what's ailing; the latter tries to strengthen what's healthy. Positive academic leaders are equivalent to personal trainers for the programs they lead, and the result can be a truly transformative academic experience. This new book gives academic leaders new insights and practical tools, as well as language and strategies, for fostering a more constructive leadership style that plays to the strengths rather than the weaknesses of their institutions.

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