Population Governance Discourses di Shareena Banu C. P. edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Population Governance Discourses

Education and Contemporary Kerala Society





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Our discursive universe is, unequivocally, emblematic of the use of numerous problematic conceptual categories. They are problematic in two significant ways with respect to this study. One is, of course, the disjunction between their conceptual provenances and the sites of their contemporary usage; and secondly, their stereotypical character. Apart from this vital problem, is the sizeable quantum of literature produced on Indian Society especially its Muslim population and the pervasive influence of these writings in laying down the conditions for any new narrative. Illiteracy, backwardness, underdevelopment, social mobility and many such derived expressions have become the main academic thematic to describe Muslims and was mostly the case while narrating the life of Muslims of Kerala also. Therefore, for analyzing the contemporary Indian society, the method of governmentality has been employed and exposited in the context of contemporary educational discourses in Kerala society with special reference to Muslim population. It addresses certain questions concerning the contemporary outcomes of colonial and postcolonial governmental practices.

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