Polygamy and Ethics di Latifo Fonseca edito da Our Knowledge Publishing
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Polygamy and Ethics

Aspects of the cultural anthropology of the Makhuwa people in Mozambique and current challenges





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African culture manifests itself in different ways in people's lives, at all stages, from birth to death. However, we can see that some specific features, such as the polygamy discussed and analysed in this book, need to be updated and therefore deserve a conscious review. The aim of these changes and updates is to open up horizons so that current and future generations do not encounter obstacles in possible intercultural relationships. By way of example, the Makhuwa people must intelligently realise that accepting and practising polygamy as a type of marriage is a criminal offence in Western culture. However, with the current rapprochement resulting from globalisation, young Makhuwa people should be more open to new opportunities and create new friendships and marriages with people from other cultures, including those from the West, without fear of rejection or even prejudice.

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