Politics and Christianity di Bruce Warnock edito da Lulu.com
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Politics and Christianity







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Descrizione Politics and Christianity

Inside each of us there is a conflict. It may not show on the outside and we may deny it even to ourselves, but it is there. We know we are mortal. We do not know the full extent of what that means though it will determine our existence far beyond this life. There is a collection of ancient teachings that provides the answer to this conflict. It is called the Holy Bible. For many, it may seem to have been hiding in plain sight all their lives. The Bible teaches that, in the final analysis, there is only one mistake a human can make: that of denying the One and what He did to provide redemption. If one accepts His offer, all one's mistakes will be forgotten. If one rejects that offer, one will pay in full. This choice is ours to make. The intent of this book is to provide insight into how one's choice of acceptance interacts with the world in which we live and what we can expect from the world, in the future.

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