Poetry of Mine di Robert Baker edito da iUniverse
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Poetry of Mine







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Descrizione Poetry of Mine

Poetry of Mine presents a collection of verses by poet Robert Baker. With them he seeks to grip the heart and stir deep-seated emotions with force enough to create an emotional whirlwind. Each poem shares a story that takes us on an adventure of the mind; some are mellow, while others are full of passion. He explores topics such as his children and the love of his life, as well as broader themes that touch us all. From the wistful "Star of My Life" to the heartfelt "Blessed Love," Baker draws upon what he knows to explore his emotional connections. Using free-verse poetry and simple language, he offers a powerful message of love and wonder that is powerful yet simple to understand. Poetry of Mine is an inspiring collection that digs deep into one man's emotional core. Reassurance My child I understand, In the blissfulness of life, So fast is time gone by Confused you will be. It's okay; gently will I hold you, In my arms as you shake, Snuggle you closely a little tighter, Give you a gentle kiss as I say it's alright. …

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