Poetic Qures for the Youth di Q. Taylor edito da iUniverse
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Poetic Qures for the Youth







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Descrizione Poetic Qures for the Youth

"Q" Taylor's Poetic Qures for the Youth presents a collection of poems designed to provide understanding and guidance to young people. It seeks to prepare them for unfortunate yet common social problems that they might first encounter when they attend high school. Covering topics that include peer pressure, bullying, drugs, working, and spirituality, among others, these verses may aid any teen in meeting the daily challenges of young adult life. Taylor's goal is to positively empower the youth by helping them to discover new ways of seeing things that might normally trip them up and to view these challenges in a more positive light. For example, in "Brighter Days," he explains that despite the storms and dark clouds, better days are coming. "Enjoying Life" makes clear that even though there may be much turmoil surrounding us, it's important to make the best of our lives today. Poetic Qures for the Youth offers youth a tangible way to direct their thoughts and feelings in a more positive way while acknowledging that life is not always easy.

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