Poems from Still Waters Running Deep di Emma McClain edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Poems from Still Waters Running Deep







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Descrizione Poems from Still Waters Running Deep

Poems from Still Waters Running Deep presents a collection of poetry written by author Emma McClain over a period of forty years. Penned at various stages of her life, they echo the thoughts, feelings, and transitions of those moments. She touches on topics ranging from experiencing her freedom from her mother for the first time in "Farewell Song" to marveling at the fact she has found with her one true love in "My Man." She also carefully examines her relationship with God and the depth of his loving-kindness. Poems from Still Waters Running Deep offers an affirmation of a life well-lived in the loving arms of God and the realization that only He knows what lies ahead for us. Someone Special They look at me, Lord They see me each day Because I am yours, Lord Their heads turn my way They search my life, Lord To see if it is real Or phony religion With a lot of zeal They listen closely To all that I say In hopes of finding Light for their way They look my way, Lord To see if it is true I'm someone special Because I know You

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