Poems From A Dreamer di M Clifton Catherine M Clifton edito da Iuniverse
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Poems From A Dreamer

The Choices We Make From An Uneducated Mind







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Descrizione Poems From A Dreamer

Throughout the years, the way that we live our lives is based upon the amount of knowledge that we have gained or lost over time. Once we have experienced life lessons, we can then decide how to help others in need based on our experiences. They say that life imitates art, but for a lot of people their lives unfold like an epic love song. Poetry serves a way to express the happiest and toughest of times. Poems from a Dreamer includes everyday thoughts common to everyone, but which are seldom expressed lyrically. In life, we can chose to inspire, or we can close our eyes and pretend that everything is okay. Simple words can be used as encouragement; revelations about the inevitable can be subtly expressed. Poems from a Dreamer is the realization that in life there are no mistakes-just lessons. I closed my eyes and I envisioned peace When I opened my eyes nothing had changed Emerged was a feeling of calm The peace was inside of me.

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