Poder de Los Padres Que Oran, El: Power of a Praying Parent di Stormie Omartian edito da SPANISH HOUSE EDIT UNLIMITED
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Poder de Los Padres Que Oran, El: Power of a Praying Parent





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Descrizione Poder de Los Padres Que Oran, El: Power of a Praying Parent

After decades of raising her own children along with her husband, Michael, Stormie looks back at the trials and joys of parenting and the power found in praying for her kids. In 30 easy to read chapters, she shares from personal experience as to how parents can pray for their children's safety, character, development, school experiences, marriage and so much more. Perfect for new moms and dads as well as those a little further along in the journey, The Power of a Praying?? Parent is a must have for anyone caring for a child.

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€ 14.25€ 15.00
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