A Pocket Full of Pebbles di Howard A. Losness edito da iUniverse
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A Pocket Full of Pebbles







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Descrizione A Pocket Full of Pebbles

Here are twelve stories from thriller writer Howard Losness, beginning with the tale of a man who refuses to act his age. You'll read about the deal he makes with a Mr. Sattan in return for his youth and the consequences thereof. Then there is Harm, who is living the good life with his wife and family, until the arrival of a letter announcing an additional member that he hadn't counted on, or even knew about. Charlie finds his dream girl and marries her, only to give everyone at the wedding reception the surprise of their lives. And then there is Paddy O'Toole, a gangster wannabe. Wait until you read what fate has in store for this fool. No collection of short stories would be complete without a 'Who done it'. In The Butler Did It, you'll discover Howard Losness' version of not one butler, but a plane full of them. In each of Howard Losness' short stories you will find yourself drawn into the lives and dilemmas that his characters create for themselves.

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