PMR446 Software Defined Radio di Sajjad Safdar edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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PMR446 Software Defined Radio

Long distance communication using GNU Radio and USRP1 for Professional Mobile Radio 446





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Descrizione PMR446 Software Defined Radio

Traditional analog and digital radios communication works on the principle of electromagnetic signals which require some integrated hardware circuitry domain by dedicated signal processing components. The hardware defined operation of modulation and demodulation implemented in analog and digital private mobile radios and other radio communication systems. SDR (Software Defined Radio) is a technology which just changes the software without changing the hardware to implement different communication systems. Instead of complex integrated hardware based circuitry, software based radio systems can be implemented using GNU Radio and USRP. In this work the author implemented the PMR446 radio for long distance communication in Software Defined Radio using GNU Radio and USRP.

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