Playing God: Many asked for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Few thought it possible... di Nelson Bustamante, Carmen Victoria Pardo edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Playing God: Many asked for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Few thought it possible...

Many asked for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Few thought it possible...





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Descrizione Playing God: Many asked for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Few thought it possible...

This is the first volume of a three part saga. A science fiction, drama and mystery novel, where the controversy over the possibility of cloning the Son of God has put humanity on edge. Power, science and faith face each other in an unprecedented war. This fascinating work also has the voices of two authors who co-wrote each chapter from the vision of an omniscient narrator and their own reflections. The premise is clear... Is it possible to play God? Authors: Nelson Bustamante and Carmen Victoria Pardo Editor in Chief: Andrea Vivas Ross.Graphic Designer: Raquel Colmenares RossPaquidermo Libros

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