Play or be Played di Nathaniel Saunders edito da iUniverse
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Play or be Played







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Descrizione Play or be Played

"My life's a Soap Opera... I can write a book about it!" You either play the game right, or you get played... Nick is a rich marketing executive who has worked his way from being a less than average achiever in school, a club-hopping playboy, to finally getting a career opportunity that lands him success. Nick reflects on his past, and how two people in his life have caused him to recreate himself. One was the person who almost caused him to lose everything he had worked for, and the other is the person who inspired him to pull himself together. Diane is the girl next door, who usually goes unnoticed, unless she is looked at, up close and personal. She inspired to become a dancer, but an accident ruined that dream. She now has other dreams of success within her corporate world. Diane, like Nick, has been burned in the past and has strong apprehensions about love and relationships. When the two finally hook up, they put all of their apprehensions aside, and give love a chance, but an accident separates them... or, was it an accident?

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