The Platonist Dialogues di Plato edito da Fili Public
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The Platonist Dialogues

The Transitional Dialogues of Plato


Fili Public





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Descrizione The Platonist Dialogues

Embark on an unparalleled journey through the mind of Plato, one of history's most influential philosophers. This comprehensive collection, divided into four distinct volumes, provides a sweeping overview of Platonic thought. From the probing questions of Socrates to the idealistic visions of Plato's later works, each volume opens new insights into ethics, politics, metaphysics, and more. Together, they form a monumental testament to human reason and wisdom. Whether you are an established scholar or a curious newcomer to philosophy, this collection offers an essential exploration of the ideas that have shaped Western thought. The Socratic Dialogues: The Early Dialogues of Plato (Volume 1)Apology Laches, or Courage Charmides, or Temperance Lysis, or Friendship Euthyphro Ion Crito Euthydemus Gorgias Protagoras The Platonist Dialogues: The Transitional Dialogues of Plato (Volume 2)Meno Cratylus Phaedo Symposium Republic Phaedrus The Cosmological Dialogues: The Late Dialogues of Plato (Volume 3)Parmenides Theaetetus Sophist Statesman Timaeus Philebus Laws Critias The Apocryphal Dialogues: The Disputed Dialogues of Plato (Volume 4)Alcibiades I Alcibiades II Lesser Hippias Greater Hippias Eryxias Menexenus The Epinomis, or the Philosopher Theages Erastai, or Lovers Hipparchus Minos Clitopho Epistles / Seventh Letter

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