Plant Anthocyanins: An Overview di Ekta Menghani, Parul Sharma, Sapna Sharma edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Plant Anthocyanins: An Overview

An Overview





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Descrizione Plant Anthocyanins: An Overview

Anthocyanins are a large group of the bioflavonoids family from the class phenolics. Phenolics are the coloured compounds present in nature in flowers, fruits, leaves etc. These colours play very crucial role in biodiversity. Flowers and fruits, are sole source of rich antioxidant. These antioxidant have potentials to cure various diseases like cancer. Therefore in present book authors tried to compile the various anthocyanins from different plants that possess anthocyanins and their role in curing various human ailments. Its high time to target such molecules and isolate these anthocaynins as a rich source of therapeutic agents.Authors convey deep thanks to our great, young and dynamic Directors Shri Arpit Agarwal and Shri Amit Agarwal ji for unconditional support, family feelings, and everlasting encouragement. Authors feel immense pleasure to give thanks from bottom of our heart to our Academic Director Prof. C. K. Ojha for become a guiding force for all such research work. Authors are also grateful to Department of Science and Technology, Jaipur for financial support under the auspices of Centre with Potential for Excellence in Biotechnology.

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