Plague of Terror di William A. Muller edito da iUniverse
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Plague of Terror







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Descrizione Plague of Terror

Impending doom often causes hardened enemies to bond against a common foe. Although two Navy S.E.A.L.s, a New York City Detective, and a Mafia Don constitutes an unlikely posse, they are the only defense against one of mankind's ancient and dreaded scourges: Smallpox. When a transparent murder investigation leads police to the loose-cannon son of a Mafia chief, the focus shifts from murder to terrorism. Haunted by ambivalence between love of family and responsibility, the Mafia leader is forced to choose between his son and unimaginable holocaust. The race to find a Smallpox bio-weapon reveals two cities; Los Angeles and New York, are targets for a plague last known to our fathers. The clock counts down towards Armageddon, as the posse is our last hope to stop dispersal of the bio-agent. A series of emerging leads takes the group from container ships in lower Manhattan, to high-speed car chases, to a sleeper-cell apartment. Ultimately, a final solution may be found in the ingenuity of our heroes. In the final hours to save humankind from Smallpox, lives are dramatically changed in unexpected ways.

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