The Pitagons di Elizabeth Palas edito da iUniverse
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The Pitagons

Episode 1: Pitagons on the Earth







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Descrizione The Pitagons

It is the year 2056, and a highly evolved species called Pitagons are ready to return to the Earth they abandoned thousands of years ago. These ancient humans have discovered the secret to longevity through scientific experiments. Now they want to save as much of humanity on Earth-before a catastrophe strikes. As the sole city of the ancestors emerges from the sea as the last refuge of mankind, Adrian Simon sits in front of a brain machine as he attempts once again to contact humans living on other planets. Normally, his machine is quiet, but on this day it begins beeping wildly. Moments later, Adrian receives a message that tells him aliens who have been living in a city beneath the ocean are the victims of a natural disaster. What Adrian does not know is that the aliens have chosen him to help them during the enormous crisis that will soon threaten mankind. Adrian is the only one who can save the world. The Pitagons uncovers the secret civilization of our ancestors and reveals the magic of their astonishing abilities as a young scientist does everything in his power to rescue as many humans from impending demise-before it is too late.

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