Pistons and engine testing edito da Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
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Pistons and engine testing





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Descrizione Pistons and engine testing

The ever-increasing demands placed on combustion engines are just as great when it comes to this centerpiece¿the piston. Achieving less weight or friction, or even greater wear resistance, requires in-depth knowledge of the processes taking place inside the engine, suitable materials, and appropriate design and manufacturing processes for pistons, including the necessary testing measures. It is no longer possible for professionals in automotive engineering to manage without specific expertise of this kind, whether they work in the field of design, development, testing, or maintenance. This technical book answers these questions in detail and in a very clear and comprehensible way. In this second, revised edition, every chapter has been revised and expanded. The chapter on ¿Engine testing¿, for example, now include extensive results in the area of friction power loss measurement and lube oil consumption measurement.

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