Pinacolada Child di C. J. Krieger edito da iUniverse
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Pinacolada Child

Poems Of Love & Life







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Descrizione Pinacolada Child

The book company tells me that an introduction is something everyone needs with lots of words and lots of personal information. The dilemma is what do you need to know about the pages inside? My life's history, those wonderful things that happen to us all, or just a general synopsis of all the brilliant and dim-witted experiences that I (and most of us) have gone through? Well it's all here in this book, and not just in the words. If you let your heart read between the lines and take a chance on the emotions that these words might evoke, maybe. just maybe you might find a bit of yourself inside, and let a tear or a smile come to you as they still come to me. What I have learned in my years on earth is that we are not as different as we would have ourselves believe. We breath, we walk, we love, but most of all, we hope to be loved. Even now this hopeless romantic is waiting. Please don't make me wait long. CJ

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