A Pig for the Nipple di Jochen Piper edito da Lulu.com
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A Pig for the Nipple







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Descrizione A Pig for the Nipple

This is a very short story. Mike Dando, tenor saxophone and new car, is on his way to a gig in teatime traffic. He picks up his guitarist, Billy, en route, and we learn not only what sort of man Michael Dando is, but that the great love of his life will be amongst the guests at the wedding breakfast. There has been no contact between them since they had split up eight years before. What ensues is a recapitulation of the turbulent nature of their relationship played out against the back-drop of its regeneraton amongst people new to them in circumstances that are clearly not new. One of the new people, Cat, the girlfriend of the bass player in the band, becomes a sexually involved catalyst for both of them. The end of this very short story comes quickly, not long after the beginning, although the end of the real beginning had begun eight years previously. It is a story without a moral except perhaps that an offer to share the weight of baggage should always be refused.

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