Physics of Star Formation in Galaxies di F. Palla, H. Zinnecker edito da Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Physics of Star Formation in Galaxies

Saas-fee Advanced Course 29. Lecture Notes 1999. Swiss Society For Astrophysics And Astronomy





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Descrizione Physics of Star Formation in Galaxies

The book begins with a historical introduction, "Star Formation: The Early History", that presents new material of interest for students and historians of science. This is followed by two long articles on "Pre-Main-Sequence Evolution of Stars and Young Clusters" and "Observations of Young Stellar Objects". These articles on the fascinating problem of star formation from interstellar matter give a thorough overview of present-day theories and observations. The articles contain material so far unpublished in the astronomical literature. The book addresses graduate students and can be used as a textbook for advanced courses in stellar astrophysics.

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