Physician'S Muse di Richard Roach edito da iUniverse
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Physician'S Muse







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Descrizione Physician'S Muse

Tenth grader Barak Shelton hates school. He feels his assignments are unfair, his homework is a waste of time, and even worse yet, he hates having his mother as his teacher. The only thing that is preventing him from dropping out is his fascination with the opposite sex. One day after Barak and his family are invited to Dr. Heidi Barton's house, he meets her daughter, Lily, an Anishinabe who can create fire without matches, snare rabbits, and shoot deer with a single arrow. Barak falls instantly in love without any idea how Lily is going to impact his life. As they mature and share several adventures together, Barak's father falls ill with cancer and ultimately dies. After Lily suggests that Barak attend medical school so he can help others like his father, Barak is left to contemplate a future that he never dreamed of for himself. Now as his path leads him to new possibilities, Barak must bravely face challenges that will test his character and dedication in every possible way. In this coming-of-age tale, a teenager meets an Anishinabe who not only steals his heart, but also sets him down a new path where he learns to believe in his abilities.

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€ 20.23€ 21.30
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