Philanthropist di Lyall De'Viana edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Descrizione Philanthropist

A brother and a sister embark on a terrifying journey of not only studying the most notorious mass murderers in history, but meeting those murderers face to face with the use of advanced technology. It was a chance to meet some of the people who made history, albeit in a bad way. What made them tick? For Kate, it was a chance to help further study the human race, a part of her earthly mission. Kate has a few secrets up her sleeve, and Blake is none the wiser. The most sinister secret is that Kate is not of this world. With this in mind, Kate and Blake recruit experts in their respective fields. Having built a high-tech lab with simulation and time travel technology, they begin to collect subjects (Kate, using her powers, does the actual collection. Everybody else thinks it is the technology that is in use). Some of the most notorious serial killers, dictators, facilitators and perpetrators of mass murders/genocides are assembled in the lab. Kate finds herself having to keep her true identity and her powers a secret, even from Blake. Blake finds himself getting sucked into the dark world of serial killing. He begins to imitate none other than Jack the Ripper, but doesn't tell anyone, including his sister. One of the experiments on the subjects goes wrong as a mystery woman breaks into the lab and brutally murders two of the subjects.

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