Ph Y N Province edito da Alphascript Publishing

Ph Y N Province





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Descrizione Ph Y N Province

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Ph Y n is a coastal province in the South Central Coast of Vietnam. It is the easternmost province of Vietnam's mainland. Ph Y n borders B nh nh Province to the north, Kh nh H a to the south. Ph Y n is separated from these provinces by two passes: C M ng pass in the north and C pass in the south. The province's topography consists of fairly low hilly regions in the west (70%) and the fertile plain of Tuy H a in the east. The main rivers that flow across Ph Y n are Da Rang River (the largest river in Central Vietnam), Ban Thach river and Ky Lo river. Ph Y n has various picturesque landscapes, such as the Loan Lagoon, S ng C u coconut ranges, Bia and Nh n mountains, R Bay and Long Th y beach.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 45.40

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