Peter And The Haunted Hut di Penny Estlin edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Peter And The Haunted Hut

2nd In The Series Of The Book Of Mirrors





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Descrizione Peter And The Haunted Hut

Five children. Jeremy, Lydia and Sam look after their two little ones, quiet Jubilee and her outspoken brother, Joel. One evening as they fall asleep, they drift into a dream of things that happened over two thousand years ago, where a rough fisherman called Peter met Jaycee, a man who heals sick people - by magic? Jeremy still has his magic sac of everlasting water. Sam's stick from a cedar tree becomes a magic sword and is back in his belt. Lydia checks her pocket; her mirror of knowledge is still there, and the little ones carry two amazing gifts - a stone and the Book of Life.Many strange creatures help them on their journey of discovery. Giant locusts fly them through time; Amos, a proud Pelican bird, is the wing commander of many bird divisions - on watch! Florrie, a nervous stork; Red, the clumsy navigator cockerel - who crows three times and flies them into a maze of planet worlds. Two young first-year student angels are sent to take care of them - to pass their exams!The children witness the shape-shifting of Jaycee on a high mountain, where a mysterious hut leads to many rooms of life after death, but are the swirling grey ghostly dervishes waiting? High above them are the Zephier Comet bikers - shooting star angels - who come to save them in a great heavenly battle between Jaycee and the evil dragon prince of Persia who needs to stop Peter from being a great leader.

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