Perspectives in the Structure of Hadronic Systems di North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Perspec edito da SPRINGER NATURE
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Perspectives in the Structure of Hadronic Systems





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Descrizione Perspectives in the Structure of Hadronic Systems

Electromagnetic Meson Production at Low Energies; B.H. Schoch. Parity Violation in Electron Scattering; R.D. McKeown. Polarization in Leptoninduced Reactions; T.W. Donnelly. Quark Structure of the Nucleon and Nucleon Resonances; B. Metsch. Leptonic Production of Baryon Resonances; V.D. Burkert. Structure Functions of the Nucleon; T.J. Ketel. Nuclear Filtering and Quantum Color Transparency: An Introductory Review; J.P. Ralston. Photon and Meson Production in Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions; H. Löhner. Near Threshold Particle Production: A Probe of Resonancematter Formation in Heavy-ion Collisions; V. Metag. Quark Matter and Nuclear Collisions; H. Satz. The String Model of Nuclear Scattering: Theoretical Concepts; K. Werner. Introduction to the Dual Parton Model; A. Capella. Nucleon-Nucleon Bremsstrahlung; K. Nakayama. Index.

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