Perspectives in Educational Psychology di Leo Barblan edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Perspectives in Educational Psychology

Knowing how to accompany the learner in his role as a pupil, while respecting his qualities as a full-fledged person





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Why a book focused on psychoeducation? It is urgent that we recognize all learners, regardless of age, as full partners with whom all educators must interact in mutual respect and acceptance of the extraordinary diversity of this human population. Accompaniment means helping others to tame the fear of learning; it means knowing how to draw on the universals of development to draw a dynamic portrait of each of our partners. By avoiding seduction and intrusion. Exchanges in the field of psychopedagogy allow this mutual fertilization. To better understand the stakes of language and intelligence development is to know how to adapt our educational strategies. This inclusive perspective enriches the pedagogical project and promotes the well-being of all. Provided that the teacher training curriculum is optimized in this humanistic and ethical perspective. Respect for our young people who will be the adults of tomorrow with all the benefits of this wealth of training is at stake.

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