Personal Quotes di T. H. Wilson Sr. edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Personal Quotes





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Winning is a mind-set; losing is a curse. I hope you and yours will join those worldwide who are enjoying these personal quotes. They are considered as depression busters by many. They make you laugh. Some will be like puzzles to be solved. Self-pity is the basement of human existence. Many of these quotes will boost and energize the spirit. Others will be excellent conversation tools even between total strangers on a long flight. Despair rages until confronted. There are 1,016 personal quotes in this volume, and each presents its perspective to motivate the reader to enjoy love and challenge. I invite you and yours to take the plunge into the deep waters of life, for that is where the ocean liners cruise. Welcome aboard, and enjoy your trip. Enjoy and God bless you. - T.H. Wilson, Sr.

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