Performance Investigation of Adsorption Refrigeration System di Uday Gadpayale, Abhijit Kasar, Vishal Salunkhe edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Performance Investigation of Adsorption Refrigeration System

Performance Investigation of Adsorption Refrigeration System Using Activated Carbon- NH3





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Refrigeration systems are required for food and vaccines transportation, comfort cooling, cold storage applications, supermarket display and retails. Industry market research for business leaders, January 2011, statistically stated that the global demand for commercial refrigeration equipment is projected to rise 5.2% per year through 2014 to $29.7 billion. The global industry analysts announced that the global market of air conditioning is expected to reach 78.8 million units in volume sales by 2015 and this global demand is significant in areas of warm climate and high capita income. Currently, most of the above demand is met by mechanical vapor compression systems driven by high-grade electrical power input and utilizes environmentally harmful refrigerants. Refrigeration and air conditioning systems consume around 30% of total worldwide energy consumption. Based on the new environmental regulations (Kyoto protocol, Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol) CFCs and HCFCs phase-out have been agreed. Moreover, HFCs were one of the six addressed greenhouse gases by Kyoto protocol, and countries may seek to limit its use to meet its legally binding greenhouse gas emissions targets.

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