Performance Excellence in Marketing, Sales and Pricing di Marc Helmold edito da Springer International Publishing
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Performance Excellence in Marketing, Sales and Pricing

Leveraging Change, Lean and Innovation Management





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Descrizione Performance Excellence in Marketing, Sales and Pricing

The increasing interconnection and the unlimited exchange of data and information has led to a maximized transparency of globally offered and sold products and services. The desires, needs and wants of the consumer are the critical issues today in creating new or offering existing products and services. This book outlines successful marketing and sales strategies with a clear focus on practical relevance. It provides a systematic overview and description of selling, pricing and negotiation concepts which enable the reader to apply the best-case scenario in their company. Tools such as the marketing mix or marketing strategies are well explained for practical application in industry. The book also integrates elements of change, lean and innovation management as drivers for performance excellence. Featuring industry case studies, this book is a practical guide for marketing professionals, academics and policy makers to enable enterprises to achieve long-term competitive advantages through best-in-class marketing, sales and pricing activities.

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