Perfecting Your Fertility di Paula Fuoco Davis edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Perfecting Your Fertility





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Descrizione Perfecting Your Fertility

Can you perfect your fertility? In this book, we'll explore how infertility can be your perfect training ground for motherhood. Learn how to get your body prepped and ready for conception, the 12 cleanses that can help restore your fertility and how to detoxify and strengthen your key reproductive organs. Chapters include: * Balancing Your Hormones and Improving the Quality of Your Eggs * Powerful Foods To Help Cure Your Infertility * Getting Your Guy Ready: The Ultimate Male Fertility Preparation Program * Erasing Stress From Your Body * Freeing Your Body From the Traumas and Painful Life Experiences that Might Be Destroying Your Fertility * 50 Creative Projects To Help Tap Into your Creative Reproductive Energy * Visualize Your Way to a Baby * Your Daily Happiness Journal * Letting Go of the Hidden Beliefs That Might Be Holding You Back From Getting Pregnant * Making Your Home Into The Perfect Fertile Nest * Coping With Shots and Injections * Protecting A Cherished Pregnancy * Maximizing Your Chances for Conception Before and After an IVF * Reclaiming Your Authentic Self

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