The Perfect Christmas Gift di Sandy Heitmeier Thompson edito da Covenant Books
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The Perfect Christmas Gift





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Descrizione The Perfect Christmas Gift

Brothers Brett and Blake are excited to fly up north to spend Christmas with Grandma, especially since the boys know that Grandma might be feeling a little lonesome without Grandpa this year. The weather is cold and snowy where Grandma lives, and the boys are tasked with searching for a Christmas tree in the woods. They meet a partridge named Penelope, who helps guide them through the snowy forest. Penelope and the brothers quickly become friends, and the wise bird teaches the boys about living and surviving in cold weather. The boys realize that Penelope, who has lived a long time and is very smart, reminds them of someone-Grandma! Brett, Blake, and Penelope work together to come up with the perfect gift for Grandma that will make this Christmas extra special.

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