A People's Guide To New York City di Carolina Bank Munoz, Penny Lewis, Emily Tumpson Molina edito da University Of California Press
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A People's Guide To New York City

Volume 5





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"As bright as the city of lights shines, the everyday stories and landscapes that are the basis of its grandeur are often missed by pomp and lore. This volume takes you to New York City in its most multiple and mundane glory. To know all of New York City is to venture to learn the stories of every building, every corner, every street, every brick--and this volume takes us there."--Zaire Dinzey-Flores, Associate Professor of Sociology and Latino and Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University "One can't understand New York City without understanding how protest and contention have made this city. This is more than just a fine guidebook. If you love the city as I do, reading the book will fill you with the warm pleasure and nostalgia that comes from attachment to place, to history, and to kin. So read it!"--Frances Fox Piven, author of Regulating the Poor and Poor People's Movements "The multiracial and multiethnic community struggles foregrounded by A People's Guide to New York City provide organizers and activists with context and perspectives to lift and support grassroots organizing for decades to come."--Javier Valdés, former Codirector of Make the Road New York "Excellent! This guidebook acquaints walkers in the city with the historical struggles that over centuries have shaped and reshaped Gotham. Recounting key stories of political, economic, and cultural conflict, it brings its narrative down to current social justice campaigns. Well-researched, well-written, and well-organized, it is, in my opinion, the best tour guide of New York."--Mike Wallace, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, City University of New York, and founder of the Gotham Center for New York City History

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